
4 responses »

  1. Lisa says:

    Hi, I have been looking for a birthday cake costume for along time now, and came across yours. My bday is on Halloween, and I have a huge birthday/Halloween Party every year. This year is my 40th. So I wanted a creative costume. How can I get the cake costume that you have I love it!
    Thank you,

  2. Lulu says:

    I loovvee your interpretation of the Dairy Queen. I am planning to be her this Halloween and, of course, my husband will be Burger King. How in the world did you make that fabulous hat? Do you still have it? Do tell.

    • 3ricshane says:

      Thank you so much! Originally, I designed a full-length gown, that was a lot more elegant. But it didn’t quite read as a “cone”. I like how this one is fun and flirty.
      I’m not sure where it ended up, but the “wig” is just batting. I think I may have inserted some sturdy gauge wire, to hold the shape and the curl at the top. I just rolled the batting and shaped it like a soft-serve around my head. I made a second one, for a later photo shoot, but it didn’t come out nearly as nice.

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